We handle cases across the United States. Allen Stewart is licensed to practice law in Texas, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio and Arizona.
Dallas Auto Accident Attorney
What to Do After an Auto Accident
A car accident can change your life in profound, fundamental ways. Even minor auto accident injuries can derail your life and cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in medical bills and lost wages. If the other driver’s insurance company fails to immediately and fully compensate you for all your physical, emotional and economical damages, hiring a personal injury attorney makes sense. If you are in an auto accident, you should follow certain steps to ensure the safest and most responsible outcome occurs.
If you have been injured in an auto accident, contact Allen Stewart. The consultation is free.
The first step after any auto accident, once you’ve pulled into a safe area and turned off your car, is to check on everyone involved. Even minor injuries could herald more serious problems, so make sure anyone who needs help can get it.
The next step should be calling 911 to report the accident and any possible injuries. No matter how severe the crash, a police report helps document when and where the accident took place, the parties involved and their statements about what occurred. The report can also help your attorney in dealing with an unreasonable insurance company.
If you are physically able, you should gather as much information as you possibly can at the accident scene. Record drivers and passengers’ names in the other vehicles involved. Take photos of license plate numbers and insurance information with your phone. If you don’t have a phone, write the information down and put it in a safe place. Also collect the contact information of the other driver, as well as the contact information for any witnesses. Document the accident’s time, date and location, as well as any responding police officers’ names and badge numbers.
Assuming you aren’t transported to a hospital via ambulance, you should get any injury examined by a doctor as soon as you can. Some potentially dangerous injuries can stay hidden until later, unless discovered by a physician. Internal injuries can appear at first as only dull aches and pains, but can portend something much more serious. Importantly, you should follow the instructions given to you by your doctors and physical therapists.
Once you’ve ensured your physical safety and well-being, you should contact your insurance company and begin the claims process. Talking to your insurance company and giving them complete and accurate information is the next step in beginning the restorative process and making you as whole as possible.
It is important you keep track of all relevant documentation connected to your accident. If the insurance companies fail to fully compensate you for all your losses, you can hire a lawyer to help you recover what you’ve lost. Your attorney will need copies of all the documents regarding your accident, including police and accident reports, medical statements and any witness reports.
If you or a loved one were injured in an auto accident, the personal injury attorneys of Allen Stewart, P.C. can help you recover compensation for your injuries. Don’t wait; contact us today for a free evaluation of the merits of your auto accident injury claim.