Magnuson Moss Warranty Act
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Magnuson Moss Warranty Act

The Magnuson Moss Warranty Act

The law covers a lot of specifics and situations. It serves as a rule guide for every type of dilemma and issues a person can face. It is the job, however, by attorneys to use this as an advantage when defending people from all walks of life.

Allen Stewart is a company that puts passion and commitment to what it does. Our team is specifically composed of attorneys who'd like to see the face of justice in every case being handled. We strive to promote equality in each of our client representations.

What is the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act?

The Magnuson Moss Warranty Act is the foundational basis of the Lemon Law in the United States. This act was created in order for consumers to have reliable access to legal support and just compensation when the products that they purchase fail to stand to the promised function and standard.

During the year 1975, the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act was founded due to what grew to be a vast number of problems and complaints by customers in availing the warranties and disclaimers for the products they have purchased, specifically cars.

The said Act has driven companies to make warranty statements and disclaimers to be more understandable on the part of the consumers. The Magnuson Moss Warranty also requires businesses and manufacturers to provide detailed information with regards to the warranty even before purchases are officially made by the consumers.

This is to allow buyers to get a clear view of what they are purchasing including the warranty that comes along with the item they are eyeing on. This type of practice has urged competition among businesses in the same line of products to create better warranty packages for the customers.

The Difference between the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act and the Lemon Law

The two differs a lot mainly because the Lemon Law wouldn't have been founded if there isn't any Magnuson Moss Warranty Act created in the first place. The government Act has served as a pre-requisite for the creation of the Lemon Law.

The Magnuson Moss Warranty Act is consistently observed all throughout the United States of America, while the Lemon Law varies from one state to another. Say, for example, the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act states that product manufacturers should cover for the attorney fees of the consumer once the claimant wins in the case.

Some state Lemon Law, on the other hand, does not demand product manufacturers to cover the attorney fees of the claimant. While the two may seem to be contradicting with each other when it comes to the mentioned terms, it is still a helpful way for complainants to navigate through the law when defending their legal right as customers.

Allen Stewart aims to provide guidance to its customers in the very tedious processes of coming against big corporations that brush off the rights of customers. You may reach our team at 866-440-2460 or you can visit the Contact Us tab on our website to be assisted by our customer service representatives.

Magnuson Moss Warranty Act

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