Allen Stewart PC

Was Jesus Wrong?

Was Jesus Wrong?

Allen Stewart Commentary:

“Reformed theology teaches that Jesus was fully God and fully man simultaneously. This teaching is based on Jesus’ own words and the eye-witness testimony regarding His miracles, death, burial and resurrection. It also teaches that Jesus’ sacrificial death (substituting Himself, who was sinless, for others’ sin) provides atonement for all whom God elects to receive it. This literal resurrection and the believer’s open confession of Jesus as Lord are both central to the Christian faith. One does not get a little of Jesus. Admittedly, scriptural interpretation is challenging business. And theologians can be wrong about what the Bible really means. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that the only historical knowledge we have of Jesus today comes from scripture. The stuff we read about Jesus came to us from people who hand copied ancient texts, most of whom, it appears, believed the texts were sacred. I haven’t run into too many people who dislike Jesus after reading about Him in the four Gospels. He freely associated with “sinners” and openly rebuked the powerful and the religious. Unsurprisingly, I’ve met many who dislike professed “Christians” after spending time with them. But the failing of certain “professed” followers should not dissuade those who seek to know Jesus fully from reading the New Test

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