We handle cases across the United States. Allen Stewart is licensed to practice law in Texas, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio and Arizona.
Lemon Law Blog
Americans buy millions of vehicles each year of various makes and models, and is usually one of the biggest single expenses in a person’s life. However, thousands of those consumers will experience a troublesome if not completely harrowing experience when that vehicle ends up a lemon. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states roughly 150,000 vehicles sold every year in the United States contain unfixable, chronic Read More...
The allure of the open highway, the draw of reliable transportation that you own and can take pride in - these are some of the reasons you might bite Read More...
Cars have defects, run into mechanical issues and have warning lights turn on in the dash display frequently. You may be frustrated because you are Read More...
Buying a new vehicle can be a stressful time, and finalizing the sale and getting keys in hand should be a moment of relief. For many Americans Read More...
Purchasing a new vehicle and attempting to be responsible and eco-friendly can be a real confidence booster. Unfortunately, purchasing an electric Read More...
Vehicle ownership comes with a lot of responsibility. You are responsible for monthly payments if the vehicle is financed, regular maintenance costs Read More...
Vehicle owners who realize they purchased a vehicle with a defect tend to stress over what to do next. There are options available for those who are Read More...
Automobile owners face a car payment, the cost of fuel on a regular basis and insurance payments either monthly or every six months. This is a hefty Read More...
Vehicle ownership is a responsibility and a commitment. When you purchase a new vehicle, it is with the expectation that the vehicle will be safe to Read More...
Vehicle ownership is a big commitment. Unlike a new shirt or a pair of sneakers, there is no window to return a vehicle if you find it doesn't suit Read More...
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