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We handle cases across the United States. Allen Stewart is licensed to practice law in Texas, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio and Arizona.

San Marcos Man Arrested after Train Crash

KVUETV reported Feb. 5 San Marcos police charged a man after he managed to escape his car before it was struck by a train.

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The crash backed up traffic on East Hopkins Street, CM Allen Parkway, Guadalupe Street and LBJ Drive, according to police officials. The crossing was backed up until 8:30 a.m. as crews cleared the debris and train.

The driver, who San Marcos police identified as 25-year-old Ian Phillips Vaneau, drove onto the tracks between CM Allen Parkway and East Hopkins Street at approximately 6 a.m. His car became stuck and he then abandoned it.

A Union Pacific train struck the vehicle, pushing it to the East Hopkins railroad crossing before coming to a stop.

Police arrested Vaneau pending charges of criminal trespassing. He suffered no injuries in the crash.

Texas leads the United States in car/train collisions, according to rail safety educators Operation Lifesaver. Federal Railroad Association Statistics show there were 232 car/train collisions in Texas in 2016, with 22 deaths and 82 injuries resulting from those collisions. Ranked second, third and fourth on the list was California, Illinois and Indiana with 167, 120 and 116 car/train collisions respectively.

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